Foot fungus folk remedies

Contagious fungus is very stubborn. Foot and nail infection more commonly affects legs, feet sweat because chain shoe – a comfortable environment for fungi reproduction.

public methods

More athlete's foot treatment

Get rid of the fungus, the diagnosis and the affected skin photo easy, can be treated at home. For this purpose, has repeatedly proven folk remedies. Pre-value to consult your doctor, especially if the disease was the result of diabetes or infection recurs frequently. Athlete's foot treatment folk remedies? Preparation procedures necessary to provide hygiene and to perform diligently.

If accompanied by a disease complicated by ulcers of the skin, limbs, pre-disinfection, foot baths with pink color of potassium permanganate. If the skin is very thin, you must remove the dead skin layers, causing them to salicylic Vaseline. Then to go to therapy at a faster rate. But after that you can get directly in medical procedures.

How's the treatment on your feet the fungus folk remedies? Medicine are frequently used:

  • kirlangicotu;
  • mint;
  • drinking soda;
  • boric acid;
  • essential oils;
  • vinegar;
  • chicken eggs;
  • laundry soap;
  • onion, garlic;
  • sour cream;
  • tincture of iodine (but better not to use – win thyroiditis).

Folk remedies, foot fungus, adult

Option medication, is extremely large. However, most people begin to opt for prescribed as folk remedies foot fungus treatment:

  1. Weekly cleaning stop. Feet warm to moderately hot water, brush with soap and plenty of wrong economic hygienic treatment foot 5 minutes. The foam wash. Repeat these steps 4-5 times. Then, Oil Moisturizing Cream dry feet.
  2. Celandi to the bathroom. Approximately 50 g of dried pharmaceutical raw material is poured, putting it in boiling water and 1.5 litre on fire, 4-5 minutes after it was removed. Keep feet warm broth ½ hours. Course of treatment – 2-3 weeks. Kirlangicotu good alternative with Wormwood.

Children folk remedies against fungus

Mikoz can be better treated when the first symptoms, the disease does not work. In the initial stages of the disease an effective remedy foot fungus tea tree oil. The article again and again rubbed the affected places. Using this powerful antiseptic – a fungus that provides a quick method to get rid of. Such a frugal more effective tool:

  • Sour cream. Helps to get rid of. itching and cracked. On the foot of her fat is applied. Duration of treatment – 1 Week.
  • Of soda bottle. Antimycotic popular foot, a good fixes, skin burning sensation, pruritus. Powder is diluted with water so that a thick mass. Patients in private and wash after drying.
  • Calendula. Flowers poured boiling bubbling water (1:2), filtered after half an hour. At the foot of the fat infusion before going to bed.
control methods for mushroom

Foot fungus treatment folk remedies

Pharmacy drugs profitable home baking is different, thus the compound is simple and does not require them. Folk remedies widely practiced forms:

  • foot baths;
  • compress;
  • ointment;
  • infusions and mixtures of herbs.

Applying the birch tar, it is possible to get rid of the fungus. This is a universal cure, treatment, feet, fractures, lesions, diseased nails and between the toes. Peeled with a thin layer of fat in the problem areas and 1.5 hours after drug wipe with a cloth. You can't wash your feet in 2 days. The operation was repeated 3-5 times so far on the car, the right of action. Still popular:

  • Household vinegar (not to be confused with which is the essence of burn, foot). The fungus doesn't carry an acidic environment. Acetic regular foot slowly no infection.
  • The garlic. His land into two and the butter applied in the form of a compress applied.
  • Yay. This is a fairly simple solution: a piece of cut onion and water in problematic places.

The tool against the fungus between the toes

The recipes that helps a lot:

  • Stood up to mash the mint leaves, juice, salt and oil in the intervals between the fingers of the slurry. After 1 hour wash it.
  • Brussels sprouts on the potato chop, pour alcohol, insist 3-4 days to the brim. Apply a compress to do.
  • Then the feet to handle wet steam, boric acid, Sleep Powder between the fingers of the patient intense.

Fungus Treatment Skin on legs

Simple recipes. It may increase many folk remedies skin fungus on the feet as it helps to:

  • Bark Oak. To do a foot bath and hot water.
  • Lemon. Lubrication with water, diseased skin. Onion juice can be alternative.
  • Coffee. This quick tool, mushrooms, skin on legs. Make a stiff drink Brew and foot baths.

Drug mushrooms, soles

If the expense of reproduction at the base, there are various treatment options:

  • When a disease just begun to give it a try ready coffee. Pour socks every day, fresh powder, and about a week of people.
  • Very old folk remedy fungal foot – 9% household vinegar. The base re-lubricate them throughout the Crescent.
  • Fir oil is a great antiseptic perfect sconces with treatment method.
people's methods of struggle

Nail fungus folk remedies

The most popular and effective recipe – chicken, eggs, dissolved in acetic esencan (maximum half a cup). The shell melts in the dark, then weekly infusion of Rose – Santi mass, 100 g butter. For guests who wish to steamed fat this ointment nails. The affected lamina become soft and cut them. Another alternative procedure with soda and soap. Also, nail cuticles:

  • propolis tincture;
  • the garlic juice;
  • decoction of oak bark.